Web Hosting

10 Considerations for Shared Web Hosting

Shared hosting is a common server where many other websites are hosted on the same server. In other words, you will have to share the server with other website owners. Generally, one server consists of 100-400 web accounts. You need to consider some important facts about shared hosting before buying. Take a look at the following facts.

Operating System

Before purchasing hosting, you need to consider the operating system of the server, either Windows or Linux. If you choose Linux hosting, you will have to store your site on a Linux-operated server. If you want Windows hosting, you will have to store it on a Windows-operated server. Choose which one is best for you.

Scripting Language

A code language runs on the web server to make the database and the web content visible on web browsers. There are several scripting languages like PHP, ASP.net, ASP, etc. PHP is the most common and popular since it can be run on both Windows and Linux. However, it performs better on a Windows platform. ASP and ASP.net can only be run on a Windows web hosting server. Choose the scripting language that works best with your server operating system.


Free Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are written in PHP. These need a database for storing content, so you need to choose web hosting that supports database like MySQL. You should choose the hosting that allows you to have several databases, preferably 5-10 in order to be compatible with your overall website setup.

Web Space

Web space is also known as disk space or storage. This means the storage amount available on the web server’s hard disk for your web content files. You will find several storage options, for example, from 10 GB to 100 GB. The storage package is based on the space need for your website. If you need 10 GB of space initially, you should choose the package that has more space in case you need it in the future for uploading more contents.

Control Panel

If you need to manage your files, domain, or other tasks, you need to operate from a control panel. There are several control panels, such as cPanel, H-Sprehe, and Plesk. These belong to the web hosting company. cPanel is the most popular and it performs well. Before buying hosting, make sure you consider the control panel.


Shared hosting servers need to work hard because they host hundreds of accounts. You will need to consider some technical issues for better performance, including the processor. It is obvious that a quad-core processor will perform better than a dual-core. These specifications may seem too technical, so if you don’t know what technology considerations you need, consult an IT expert before buying hosting.

Web Server Performance

Server performance is the most important consideration. As you may know, Linux servers can perform well with hundreds of tasks at a time. This does not mean Windows performs badly; the fact is, Linux systems have more server capacity than Windows. Before choosing the server, make sure you understand the performance of the running server.

Email Account

You may need several email accounts. Small companies may only require a few email accounts, but large companies may require more. Verify how many accounts the hosting company will provide because after purchasing hosting, it is difficult to get additional email accounts out of the provider’s package plan.

Customer Support

You may face several problems with your hosting plan. So before signing up, ensure the hosting providers offer a good customer service system. Make sure that you get 24/7 support. Since shared hosting is not fully under your control, you will need their assistance. Check their support terms and conditions before signing up with their hosting.


Usually, Windows-based servers are more expensive than Linux-based servers because Windows licensing is not free; however, Linux-based hosting providers are cheap or, in some cases, free. Verify the price range and the payment system before buying.

These ten factors will help you sign up with the right hosting company. Carefully consider the provider company’s services and terms and conditions. Planning beforehand is wiser than suffering later for a bad choice.

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