Social Media

6 Killer Ways to Get Genuine Likes on Your Facebook Page

Hey ya! The query that I face most frequently about Social Networking is: “How would I get more likes in my page on Facebook” which comes right next to the question: “How’d I gain more followers in twitter?“. Facebook pages are actually getting more and more popular these days. It is a better way to interact with the fans or customers for a positive growth in the company or popularity. Hence everyone is emphasizing on gaining huge amount of page likes. I guess you’re on the same track. But even after putting your best you, cannot simply get desired result without a cool & ‘ultralogical’ strategy. Today, I’m gonna discuss the tested killer ways to get a pleasing number of likes easily. All you’ve to do is go through the article deeply (leave no column unread) and work a little hard with your page and you’ll get a result you could never imagine. At the end of the article I’ll ask you a question to check whether you got it right in your head or not. And guess what, you may win an awesome prize if I like your answer. So get set and go.

1. Content is the queen:

Few ‘experts’ have been saying that content doesn’t matter these days. You know what ‘Laugh it Off’!! Content is still the queen, the king, the ‘whatever-you-say’. Suppose you have got everything quite right, but you have nothing to show to your customers — they’ll be freaking out. So here’s what you’ve to do. At first decide the niche of your page. Niche is the category which your page is about. May be it’s a page about technology or poetry or some official kinda page. Whatever it is, select it and try to stick to it every time you post something (almost 80% of the posts should be related to the same topic). Try to avoid seriousness in your post and there should be a funny aspect in some of your posts.

2. Post Strategically:

No matter how much likes you have, try to read the pattern of their mind. What do they like, which content do they share the most, what do they comment! Post according to their mindset. Secondly, look forward to follow the current trends. Search what are people saying about and get into the discussion as early as possible. Use facebook hashtags to be inside a topic and be found easily. Thirdly, post frequently (almost 7 times a week) but at the right time. By right time I meant to say the most ‘engaging’ hours on facebook. Usually, before office time and after office time people get online on fb (i.e. pre-9 am and post-7 pm). In addition to that, wish people on special occasions like Halloween, New Year etc. Fourthly, people do not like stale things, so don’t steal other page’s content that might already be on a user’s wall. This is really irritating to get 2 same things from 2 different pages. Fifthly, Use facebook insights to study the most popular posts in your page and share stuffs related to that one. Other than that, use cool and attractive pictures with brief posts (around 80 words).

3. Link Up Your Page:

Do you have a popular blog or website? Then use it wisely to reach them and grab few likes. Use various widgets or social plug-ins. In addition to that, ask people to like your page at the end of your post. Link your page in your twitter account. Tweet and ask people to like the page (don’t overdo it). Try out the same with other social networking sites too.

4. Try Facebook Ads:

It is the most promising and trustable way to buy targeted followers (you can call it a facebook-friendly way). Your page will be displayed on the sidebar of facebook at really an affordable cost. If you’re serious into your business and ready to invest on it, then go for it. You’ll get a good, engaging crowd base in your page, who would like, comment and share your posts (obviously, if the posts are wealthy enough).

5. Be Interesting:

While posting try to be eye catchy. Facebook has lots of functions built within it. Use them at their fullest. Here’s an idea. You may post a poll and ask people to answer it within a given time. Apart from that one, you can ask them to balance the number of like and comments of a particular status. Hold cool contests, such as interrogate them to pick the difference between two nearly identical images.

6. Exploit Images:

An image is worth a thousand words. And it is proven that people gets a lot more enchanted to pictures than to the texts! In addition to uploading images incidental to your niche, show users other pics that may seem curious to them. If someone likes a cool pic from your page, it will be displayed on that person’s friends’ wall. If they like it, there’s a chance that they may like your page too. So utilize it with your full effort.

So these were the ways to get facebook likes. Now there are few things that you must avoid in your journey.

  1. Say no to like exchange sites. There are few sites that offer you to interchange likes (i.e. you like a page, they’ll like your page). These may give you 200-300 likes easily but, none of them are targeted. My personal experience says that after few days you’ll notice a decrement of likes in your page. And say damn no to the sites that promises you 1k-10k likes in few bucks. These are bots (which’ll ruin your page). All you need is targeted likes (I recommend Facebook Ads in that case).
  2. Don’t keep your page stale for weeks. I mean keep updating it at least 4-6 times a week. Or else you’ll lose customers. You may make use of apps like HootSuite for a good social engagement even when you’re not on the track or hire someone for updating the status.
  3. Do not abuse users. You shouldn’t post anything that may make someone feel mistreated. Handle everything gently. People like getting respect.
  4. Avoid sharing copyrighted material. This may demolish your page as well as your career. Be original even on the e-world.

Hope the article will help you getting likes on fb pages. Try to follow the above steps and give a few minutes of your day to the page, you’ll get the path to success. And now comes the moment of a little exercise.

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